Welcome to Magickus
Master Your Own Destiny
Psychics can read the astral plane and thereby predict the future with astonishing accuracy. Psychics can also direct psychic influences on the astral plane to bring about powerful changes in the lives of others.
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Psychic Services
Tarot Reading & Magick Casting
“Challenging life transitions can become positive growth experiences and opportunities for empowering change!”
– Psychic Paul Dean –
Our solemn mission is to enlighten and prepare individuals for upcoming circumstances and events, to bring awareness, and empower them in creating their desired outcomes.
Our sacred vision is to share our gifts of second sight and the ability to influence using mind over matter, expand the limited minds of others and accelerate their progress into awakened reality.
welcome to Magickus
About Tarot & Magick
Tarot cards have been used for centuries, by many people worldwide to reveal future trends and possibilities, and guide them when making decisions.
Magick has been practiced by magickians, witches and shamans, since the beginning of time, to bring about powerful changes in the lives of others.
Soul Reading
Just like your fingerprint or DNA, true astrology is completely unique to you. Astrology gives an incredible insight into your personality. The interpretation of an astrological birth chart as a whole will paint the picture of the character and soul attributes of the individual.
Rune Reading
Rune casting should be seen as a tool for guidance, working with the subconscious and focusing on the questions that might be underlying in your mind. You can take a look at current dynamics and what will happen if you follow the path you are on.
Absent Healing
We have the ability to channel through the Higher Power’s healing energy or ‘Light’ into a recipient’s aura, even from a vast distance. This type of healing can be particularly beneficial to those who have tried traditional methods and discovered that it has not addressed or healed their psychical or psychological issues or emotional wounds.
Card Reading
The tarot provide extremely useful insights, predictions and advice regarding upcoming opportunities and events; love, relationships, finances, career, health, travel, fortune, spiritual guidance, success and more. And, offers you the opportunity to steer your life away from potentially negative experiences towards positive outcomes, giving ultimate peace of mind.
Blessings Casting
If you are in need of more light and good fortune in your life, a white candle will be annointed, blessed and lit, along with an invocation to the Higher Power summoning healing, protection, guidance, wisdom and love to be granted to you. Magickus will send you love and astral light to give you strength and help you to attract much more fortunate circumstances and experiences.
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