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01579 344756


Cornwall UK

How Magickus Works

Frequently Asked Questions

How do Tarot Readings work?

Psychic energy is not limited by physical dimensions or restrictions.

Magickus picks up and reads the energy or aura that surrounds a person or situation. 

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How do I book a Tarot Reading?

Booking a Tarot Reading with Magickus is easy!

Simply select a reading that best suits your needs.

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How often should I have a Tarot Reading?

If you feel you have ‘turned a corner’ or you are in need of further psychic and spiritual guidance, you may benefit from having readings more often.

Ultimately, trust your intuition. If in need, get in touch.

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How can I learn more about Tarot Readings?

Magickus has written many helpful articles for you to enjoy.

You can find out about Tarot Readings and so much more!

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How do Magick Castings Work?

Psychic energy is not limited by physical dimensions or restrictions.

Magickus reads and influences the energy or aura that surrounds a person or situation. 

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How do I book a Magick Casting?

Booking a Magick Casting with Magickus is easy!

Simply select a casting that best suits your needs.

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How often should I have a Magick Casting?
If you feel you have ‘turned a corner’ or you are in need of further assistance or different outcomes, you may benefit from having castings more often.

Ultimately, trust your intuition. If in need, get in touch.

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How can I learn more about Magick Castings?

Magickus has written many helpful articles for you to enjoy.

You can find out about Magick Castings and so much more!

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6 Week Tarot Course

Want to Learn How to Read The Tarot Cards?


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01579 344756
