
21 APRIL – 20 MAY

Taurus is an earth sign and is very feminine. Those who are born during the first six days of this sign may not possess all the characteristics of a Taurus, due to the placement of the sun and moon at this time. These individuals either display the weaker traits of the Taurus, or may become a strange combination of the remaining zodiac signs. 


Soul Reading

Just like your fingerprint or DNA, true astrology is completely unique to you. Astrology gives an incredible insight into your personality. The interpretation of an astrological birth chart as a whole will paint the picture of the character and soul attributes of the individual.



Key phrase: “I have”.

People born under Taurus can be very talented, calm, and insightful people, as long as they are not annoyed by something. They are extremely influenced by physical appearances, which make them superficial and unrefined to some extent. However, those who are able to grow past this trait make great orators, writers, and experts in intellectual pursuits.

Taurus individuals are flamboyant. They indulge in all of the luxuries offered to them in life. At the same time, they are not hesitant to share these special items with those who are close to them. They are well-known for living life to the fullest. Their focus is sharp and consistent, which makes it easy for them to learn new things and complete their goals efficiently.

Being an earth sign, Taurus has all the characteristics of that element. Taurus people are dependable and peaceful. They are loyal and confident in their approach to life. Once they learn to overcome their animal instincts, they can excel in virtually any field. Hence, Taurus people are usually quite successful in whatever they choose to do. Taurus is ruled by Venus astrologically, making those born under this sign strong-willed and adaptable.


Unlike Aries, which has had several symbols over time, Taurus has always been represented by the bull. To the casual observer, it might seem odd that a bull, which is often thought of as an aggressive, primal creature, should symbolise a sign of peace and love. The reason? Timing. In ancient cultures, most springtime celebrations occurred around May Day, when the last traces of winter were finally over, the land could be plowed again, and fertility was in the air. So the bull constellation’s appearance in the night sky coincided with these festivities.

Also, the progression of the zodiacal signs occurs from the head down, so while Aries is represented by the head, Taurus has a strong connection to the neck, larynx, and ears.

Taurus’ planetary ruler is Venus, the goddess of peace, love, and harmony. If you are a Taurus, Venus’ likely influence on you includes your romantic, caring nature, your preference for the colour blue (although there is some debate about this), and your favourite day – Friday (in French, vendredi, named after Venus).

Positive Qualities

You are a builder, restorer, and caretaker of those things you find important – primarily the earth, animals, and people. You are self-reliant, painstakingly patient, and stubborn – bullish, in other words. You take a great deal of pride and pleasure in fixing up and maintaining a home, or discovering a starving animal and nursing it back to health, or planting trees where there were none before.

Because of this open-armed kindness, people find you wonderfully comfortable to be with. You make a great friend – you’re stable, loyal, and loving. Touch is essential to you – you love to hug and be hugged.

You appreciate beauty in all its forms, due to your close affinity with nature. You prefer to surround yourself with people who have highly attractive qualities – be they external or internal. You cannot tolerate ugliness, especially of the earth – this makes you a firm opponent of pollution in all its forms.

Since truth and beauty are so closely related, you also have a preoccupation with honesty, and a low tolerance for corruption. You are forthright in your conversation, and so look people straight in the eyes when you speak to them. In fact, you tend to distrust those who cannot meet your gaze. Although some Taureans have been successful political leaders (primarily as peacemakers, such as Harry Truman), most are quite content to be led (this fits with the chronology of the zodiac: Aries, the first sign, is a natural leader; Taurus tends to follow him). That is not to say you are subservient; your self-reliance allows you to be successful and to be entrusted with great responsibility. But it is usually within a larger context: in other words, you make a great executive within the framework of a corporation, but you are not a maverick. You don’t need to be president. In fact, you tend to shun the spotlight. Large crowds can be intimidating to you, so you are much more effective in small groups. Many Taureans are teachers, an occupation that displays great patience, nurturing, and self reliance within the larger framework of the educational system.

Trouble Areas

Your desire for security and stability are so strong you tend to be overly stubborn and possessive. No matter what misfortune, obstacles, or heartache befall you, you simply will not budge. Although this is admirable, too often it limits you and frustrates others in their dealings with you. If you refuse to see someone else’s side of an argument, there is little chance of resolving the conflict, so your obstinance will hurt you in the end. You are prone to brooding and dark moods, but these are not faults, as long as you don’t get mired in prolonged states of depression. Step back and look at the big picture if this occurs, and chances are the “builder” in you will begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Physical Qualities and Activities

Like your symbol, you have a tendency to be big-boned, strong, perhaps even overweight. You’re not very fast on your feet, but you can tangle with the best of them. You are an earth sign, so you enjoy being in contact with the ground; this fact, combined with your acute sense of touch and great patience, makes you an ideal gardener.

Because of your affinity with the ear and throat, music is prominent in your life. Your voice is one of your most distinguishing features, and you know how to use it to your advantage – many Taureans are excellent orators, singers and singing instructors.

But this also makes you prone to physical ailments in the throat and neck area. Treat any infections immediately, because they could lead to more serious problems elsewhere. Also, you gain weight easily, so be careful not to overindulge on the food you love so much, and exercise regularly.


Because of your great sense of touch, you love to feel your clothes. Although it’s important that they look good, because you are known for your taste, it’s far more important that they feel good. Soft fabrics, especially silk, appeal to you.
For the most part, you tend to look better in clothes that are more classic, loose-fitting, and conservative. Don’t choose modern, urban styles – their vertical lines will make you look awkward. Softer curves and softer fabrics are your choice.

You have broad taste in music – you appreciate rock, jazz, blues, folk, classical, and international styles all equally well. Your taste in art leans toward landscape painting and photography – they’re more earth-based, and “truer” representations of the world as you see it.

You prefer a home that’s more secluded – perhaps behind some trees, or in the middle of a block. This coincides with your tendency not to lead or stand out, but to take your place in the larger context. You are extremely protective and possessive of your home, however – security is foremost.

As with your clothing, your home must be comfortable and inviting – it must feel good to your senses. It reflects your good taste and affinity for natural beauty, so everything in it is of a high quality. You are attracted to hardwood floors, solid oak and other fine woods, lots of plants, and anything that seems to have an earthy quality to it.

As mentioned earlier, your favourite colour is likely to be blue, based on Venus’ influence. However, other astrologers believe Taureans are attracted to the earth tones, green and brown, because Taurus is an earth sign. As with any true astrological profile, sun signs are merely the beginning, so a full examination of your rising signs and houses will tell the tale.

Food is very important to you – no other sign values it as strongly as you do. You love to cook. Most food comes from the earth, so preparing it is natural to you. You take great pride in your meals, and the Venus influence here also enables you take sensual pleasure in your enjoyment of food. Many of the world’s most accomplished chefs are Taureans.

Occupations/Financial Profile

Because Taurus rules the voice, some of the world’s greatest singers are Taureans. The list includes Ella Fitzgerald, Barbara Streisand, Bing Crosby, and Perry Como – all of whom are not just fine singers, but noted particularly for the remarkably smooth texture of their voices. They’re like fine wine, aurally.

Taureans are often thought of as “salt of the earth” types, and this is, reflected in actors who are typecast as big, strong, silent, and earthy characters: Gary Cooper, Glenn Ford, and Henry Fonda fit this bill to a tee. You could even include Harry S. Truman in this category: as a president, he was very level-headed, and resolutely strong in his convictions (it takes a lot of guts to make the decision to drop an atomic bomb on two cities and stand by it).

You are most inclined to a job that involves tangible things, as opposed to ideas. You’re good with your hands: you make a wonderful farmer, carpenter, construction worker, or chef. Your love of nature also can lead to a career as an environmentalist or animal trainer. Other land-based jobs, such as real estate agent, surveyor, or forester, are also strong possibilities.

Financially, you are no gambler. You prefer a more conservative approach to money, which includes stable, long-term investments and a steady, reliable income. Security is what’s important to you, not adventure. The only negative in this picture is your famous obstinance. Without an open mind, you might not see a good opportunity when it comes along. It’s healthy to be practical – that instinct will always protect you, but sometimes your bull-headedness can get in the way of greatness.

Love and Relationships

As a lover, you are not as tempestuous as, say, Pisces, Leo, or Scorpio, but you are warm, sensual, and highly affectionate. As a mate, you are often ideal, because of your great capacity for love, your patience, and your stability.

Your ideal matches are with Scorpio (although it can be stormy, it’s proven to endure), and the two other earth signs, Virgo and Capricorn. Both are very stable and harmonious with you, although the latter is perhaps better suited to a business partnership. Even a partner of your own sign is compatible, although it’s not often found.

Signs to avoid are Aries (although the Arian’s strong will can be compatible with certain Taureans who are more docile, they’re generally considered too independent-minded), Sagittarius (much too free-spirited for you), and Gemini (again, too restless).

Zodiac Conclusion

Many people mistakenly believe that astrology only concerns the Sun. This is due to the Western world view of astrology, which has taken on the popular form of zodiac horoscopes. However, in truth the study of astrology goes well beyond Sun signs. The planets found on the astrological chart are the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

The purpose of this article is to introduce you to zodiac signs, to perhaps raise an eyebrow or two, and maybe make you smile. Zodiac Sun signs are based purely on generalisations and should NOT be confused with accurate birth chart astrology derived from your date, time and place of birth.


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